What is CRUD?

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What is CRUD?

CRUD is a "cool" term used to abbreviate how web apps work.

CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update and Delete. Web apps are created to do these four operations. Using Twitter, I will explain how these operations work.


  • Understanding how the Internet works

  • Requests and responses


Create is the operation used to refer to POST requests. A POST request is used to send data to the server. According to the MDN,

The POST method submits an entity to the specified resource, often causing a change in state or side effects on the server.

For example,

When you create a new tweet, a POST request is sent to the server. The tweet is saved in the database and added to the timeline.

A POST request can also be initiated when a new Twitter account is created.


Read is the operation used to refer to GET requests. A GET request is used to retrieve data from the server. According to the MDN,

The GET method requests a representation of the specified resource. Requests using GET should only retrieve data.

For example,

When you view a tweet, a GET request is sent to the server and the tweet is sent as a response.


Update is the operation used to refer to PUT requests. A PUT request is used to add data that is tied to an existing resource in the database. According to the MDN,

The HTTP PUT request method creates a new resource or replaces a representation of the target resource with the request payload.

For example,

When you like or retweet a tweet, a PUT request is sent. The server adds the number of likes or retweets in the server and sends back a response


Delete is the operation used to refer to DELETE requests. A DELETE request is used to delete data from the server. According to the MDN,

The HTTP DELETE request method deletes the specified resource.

For example,

When you delete a tweet, a DELETE request is sent to the server. The tweet is deleted and the response is sent back. Then, the tweet is removed from your profile.

An example of a DELETE request in Twitter by removing the retweet..

In the video above, the retweet is undone by sending a DELETE request. The number of retweets is reduced and updated as a response to the request.


  • CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update and Delete.

  • Create is the operation used to refer to POST requests.

  • A POST request is used to send data to the server.

  • Read is the operation used to refer to GET requests.

  • A GET request is used to retrieve data from the server.

  • Update is the operation used to refer to PUT requests.

  • A PUT request is used to add data that is tied to an existing resource in the database.

  • Delete is the operation used to refer to DELETE requests.

  • A DELETE request is used to delete data from the server.